About Us

Our staff members have received extensive training in the preparation of our products through PCCA and we believe in providing consistent, quality products and services to all of our patients. We work closely with other Health Care Professionals to ensure that the needs of our patients are being met. Our Pharmacists are also specially trained in integrative medicine through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (www.a4m.com) and the Metabolic Medical Institute ( www.mmimedicine.com).

Courtney Junop, B.S.P., Owner, Pharmacist | Manager of Evergreen Location

Courtney Junop

Courtney graduated from the accredited Pharmacy Technician Program (CPhT) at SIAST in June of 1999 and has been working in the area of compounding ever since. She joined the team at The Medicine Shoppe RUH in 2007.

After returning to school, Courtney graduated with her Bachelors of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Saskatchewan (BSP) in 2011. She resumed work as the Pharmacist and Manager of The Medicine Shoppe RUH until 2014 when she purchased the pharmacy.

She hosts presentations for patients and other Health Care Professionals on compounding topics and consults with patients regarding the areas of Weight Loss using the Ideal Protein Program, Saliva testing, Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement, Thyroid and Adrenal Health.

She has received specialized training in the areas of:

  • Primary Compounding
  • Sterile and Aseptic Technique
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Nutritional Products
  • Pediatric Compounding, including Autism
  • Pain Management
  • Dental Compounding
  • Dermatology Compounding
  • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy Replacement Therapy
  • Integrative Medicine
  • Ideal Protein Weight Loss Program

She is currently working on her Fellowship/Masters in Anti-Aging, Regenerative and Functional Medicine and Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M)/ Metabolic Medicine Institute (MMI).


Cassie Krozser, Pharmacist | Manager of RUH Location


Crystal Haluzan, Functional Medicine Trained Pharmacist | Evergreen and RUH Locations


Oksana Trithardt, Pharmacist | Evergreen and RUH Locations

Pam Shoults, Front Store Manager | Evergreen Location

Pam Shoults


Morgan Esquirol, Pharmacy Technician, Compounding Technician | Evergreen Location



Rina Rafael, Pharmacy Assistant | RUH Location

If you would like to inquire about booking our staff for a presentation on areas such as Compounding or Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, please contact us.